I am writing to express my deep frustration and concern regarding the ongoing noise issue in downtown area, as discussed in your July 31 report. It is distressing to note that the police have claimed they would be specifically targeting this problem during the summer, as announced by a police spokesperson. However, despite these assurances, the situation has not improved, particularly during the hours of 11 p.m. to 1:30 a.m.

Residents on North Street, including myself, have been subjected to relentless disturbance caused by brutal fights, women screaming, vehicles with semi-trailer truck horns, and the constant sound of spinning tires. The noise continues until late in the evening, denying us the opportunity to sleep peacefully.

What troubles us even more is the apparent lack of police presence in these public parking lots, where most of this unruly behavior occurs. Despite witnessing these incidents from our windows, I have rarely seen a police vehicle attempting to deter or address these situations. It is disheartening that we, as concerned citizens, must resort to calling the police multiple times to have these disruptive individuals removed.

I must emphasize that this prevailing lack of action from the authorities is extremely concerning, and it seriously undermines our confidence in the local law enforcement’s ability to maintain peace and order. The situation in the bars downtown has spiraled out of control, rendering it nearly unbearable for the residents.

It is imperative that the police increase their presence, not only on walking beats and in marked units, but also through the deployment of an unmarked unit to combat the persistent noise problem. The residents of North Street deserve a safe and peaceful living environment, and we implore the town to uphold your responsibility in ensuring it.

Hoping for a prompt resolution.

– Christine Silva

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