We hope that the Independent will cover the special referendum on banning nips that will occur in Plymouth on January 13, 2023.

In October the Plymouth Town Representatives voted to ban Nips effective next July. A petition was organized by liquor stores, needing 1,400 signatures to overturn the town representative vote and send it to the voters. So article 15, [which] bans nips, was suspended until after the vote.

There are a number of problems with nips that many towns have already recognized, including how many empties get thrown out on our streets and highways. Also nips are too small to recycle so the plastic goes into waterways and landfills.

In any case, article 15 would ban them and is on the ballot in January. It has not gotten much publicity and people are not knowledgeable about the occurrence of this vote.

Valerie Langbehn, Plymouth

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