As the winter months are approaching, people who are homeless need a warm place to stay. Every year, Plymouth offers shelters during the months of November to March, most of the shelters being churches which can only house a small number of people. They also offer free meals in the shelters, as well to anyone who comes to the shelter for a warm place to live.  

As a student studying social welfare, I appreciate the town offering these resources, but I still feel as though more can be done to help a larger population of homeless people. One local church in Plymouth (Christ Church Parish) that offers the overnight shelter can only provide up to 25 spots. The Plymouth Task Force to End Homelessness posts schedules of churches that are offering overnight shelters.

 In Massachusetts there are currently about 29 thousand people who are homeless which is more than a 50 percent increase from 2023. In 2023 only 385 people reported that they were sleeping on the streets in Plymouth.  

Although I have not experienced homelessness myself, I have witnessed individuals during internships that are facing financial difficulties and housing problems and know people who currently are facing financial difficulties and housing problems.  

With a couple more shelters in place they can shelter more individuals and keep less people off the streets and by having overnight shelters that operate more than 2-3 times a week can be greatly beneficial to the homeless population as they won’t have to be out in the cold waiting days for the next shelter to open and take them in.

Destiny Centeio

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