I’m so happy to see you do a follow up story on this topic (drivers running red lights).  Unfortunately, it will take a serious accident to get the chief to pay attention to this issue.  My favorite intersections to complain about are:

1) Stop & Shop on Samoset Street.  It’s unbelievable to witness firsthand any number of red-light runners every hour of every day.  If I’m in the vicinity and quick enough, upon seeing a jerk run this light, I’ll honk my horn in disapproval only to get a middle finger in response.  Come on, man!

2)  Corner of Pilgrim Hill Road and Summer Street.  This one is downright dangerous.  On too many occasions, I’ve sat at this light in the left lane on Pilgrim Hill Road and witnessed car after car coming from the west on Summer Street, running the light, and either cutting the corner onto Pilgrim Hill Road or picking up speed in order to race through the light.  Today, while at this light and when my light changed to green, I had to count to five and then look both ways for a very disrespectful driver — disrespectful of the law, disrespectful of other drivers (me) and disrespectful of basic road safety.  Come on, man!

You can’t even look at or otherwise confront these drivers without getting visual distain and often much worse.  Most of these drivers appear to believe they can do anything they want on the roads and be answerable to no one.

I shudder to think what an ultimate scenario could occur if this situation continues to worsen, and the police let it happen. Come on, man!

Fred Healey

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