The Community Land and Water Coalition invites the public to join a community forum titled “Protecting Our Land and Waters: Part II” on Tuesday, July 16, from 6 to 7:45 p.m., in the Fehlow Meeting Room at the Plymouth Public Library.

 This forum aims to foster an informed dialogue on the challenges and opportunities surrounding land conservation in Southeastern Massachusetts. It serves as a platform for community members, environmental advocates, and stakeholders to discuss pressing issues, share insights, and explore collaborative solutions.

 The event will feature presentations from local conservationists and environmental experts, followed by an open discussion and networking session. Attendees will have the chance to learn about ongoing initiatives, voice concerns, and discover ways to contribute to the preservation of our natural landscapes through grassroot efforts and community organizing.

 Free and open to the public, this forum encourages community involvement in shaping the future of land conservation advocacy efforts in our region.

Aaron Keaton

Keaton is a member of the Community Land and Water Coalition.

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