Self-proclaimed visionaries such as developer Rick Vayo, and disciples, should be regarded with severe skepticism. They are not here to save us or “polish” Plymouth. Developers so far have given Plymouth reckless absurd building, overcrowding, massive dangerous traffic, unenforced speed limits, traffic jams, drunken brawls downtown, loss of our forests and wildlife, and threats to our aquifer.

I am still in wonderment of that shoehorned [apartment] complex abutting the rear door of Reliable Cleaners. I am appalled by the forest leveling and clear-cut destruction that is Redbrook, and the fake quaint New England town motif that is Pinehills.

Construction continues unabated. How did all of this ridiculousness and stupidity happen? How did the road in front of my home become a roiling, life-threatening freeway, with no controls and no accountability? How did Route 3 become so congested all the time? How did Plymouth become so degraded?

Clearly Plymouth’s residents do not benefit from the ministrations of the ordained visionary, who profits hugely and then leaves the consequences for others to rectify. Visionaries are unrelenting zealots by nature. It never occurs to them that their plans might be dangerous, undesirable or offensive to others.  Without a solid town government committed to the welfare of town and people to draw a red line, we are always at the mercy of visionaries.

– Phyllis Troia

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