On Sunday, June 9, an adult Canada goose was found sitting quietly in the flower bed near the front door. We live about a quarter mile from a deep pond through woods. The goose was weak and having diarrhea. My best guess is that he failed during flight and landed in our yard. I left messages with various wildlife rescues, licensed rehabilitators and animal control. I was not able to catch the goose alone. The goose exhibited some “neurological signs,” which boded poorly. Not wishing to stress him, I left him beneath the leylands for two nights, awaiting aid, with a water supply and some food, hoping he would not be predated.

On June 11, I and two Plymouth Animal Control officers secured the bird after a chase. I drove the goose to Birdsey Cape Wildlife Center, Barnstable.  On June 12, avian influenza was confirmed, and sadly, the goose was euthanized.

In the past two years, a wild turkey flock of dozen or more, daily visitors to our yard for 20 years, no longer showed up. No displaying males, no offspring. The mallards and their ducklings, the Canada geese have disappeared from the ponds. A single turkey hen has been wandering the neighborhood alone. I learned that avian flu has been especially brutal for the Canada geese, waterfowl, and likely for wild turkeys as well. When wildlife disappears, we are much less for it.  To report sick/dead wildlife, use [the] form on this state website.

Phyllis J Troia

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