Want to weigh in on where the town is – or should be – headed? Here’s an easy way to do it that’s more constructive than a Facebook rant. But you have to act soon.
The town is inviting residents to take its online “visioning survey” by Feb. 16. It’s part of a lengthy process to develop Plymouth’s next master plan. The town website describes the plan as a “policy document” used to “guide future decision-making and budgeting.”
In other words, it’s about how your tax dollars will be put to use.
The visioning survey is aimed at people who want to provide input but don’t have a lot of time to do it. You can find it here. “It asks about their vision for the future of Plymouth and what is important to them,” the town says.
If you want to go deeper, there are three other short surveys available, each tackling general subject areas:
- Economic Development and Infrastructure
- Land Use, Housing, and Transportation
- Natural Resources, Open Space and Recreation, and Climate Resiliency
You can find those surveys here.
“All feedback is important as the project team begins to develop a draft vision and goals for the future of Plymouth, along with potential strategies to help achieve those goals,” the town says. “Later this year there will be new opportunities for public comment on draft strategies and the draft plan document through additional meetings and online forms.”
Even if you’re not inclined to take one or all of the surveys, you might want to check out this interactive map of Plymouth that allows you to read comments and suggestions left by other residents. You can easily add your own comments, too.
And if you’re confused, have questions, or want more information about the master planning process, email plymouthmasterplan@gmail.com.
Mark Pothier can be reached at mark@plymouthindependent.org.