Kudos to Plymouth Planning Board member Birgitta Kuehn for standing up to behemoth Makepeace as it plays its dirty tricks to try to add another 113 market-priced homes to the Redbrook housing development.

As a Carver resident living in a manufactured home park that abuts one of Makepeace’s many sand mining operations, I’ve seen how its machinery has gouged and gobbled up the pine barrens that used to be tucked in right next to our property and have been educated about how Makepeace is operating under an expired earth removal permit – and under no permits at all – in the mines next to my home.

Makepeace peddles its good-neighbor image in our communities by paying taxes and providing jobs. Many people think that these acts make Makepeace a good neighbor. But a good neighbor does not manipulate contract agreements, proceed with [questionable] mining operations, pollute our sole source aquifer, decimate wildlife, and pollute the air. We need more people like Birgitta Kuehn to speak truth to power and stop Makepeace in its tracks.

Linda Jacobs

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