Please get involved. About a month ago, I started a text thread with family and friends after deciding I had to do something. Learning about local politics and getting involved seemed like a good place to start. I created a private group on Facebook and invited people to join. I post local Town Hall meetings each morning – encourage people to attend, to write letters about issues that concern them, take other actions related to issues in town and discuss their observations. We are learning so much. In fact, Jenny Healy, who has recently had a letter published, is my sister. I have been at all the same meetings and have the same observations.

On Feb. 25, we attended our first Select Board meeting. We counted 16 residents in attendance; eight were with us. In a town the size of Plymouth? We can do better. It’s important to participate and let town officials see we have a vested interest in their behavior and actions. In the last month, our group has collectively attended over 15 meetings.  

I’m urging you to join us and start your own group – to attend meetings (in person or Zoom), to learn about how our town works and get involved. It’s eye opening, to say the least.

So it was with great interest I read the article in the Plymouth Independent that John Mahoney has had a change of heart regarding Article 12 [which proposes exempting the town from a state law that prohibits firearms in public buildings such as town halls, as well as parks].

Wondering what that meant, I did some research and wanted to share what I learned. At the next Select Board meeting, several things could happen:

The board could vote to reconsider its approval recommendation of Article 12 to Town Meeting. It would still be debated and voted on at Town Meeting, Saturday, April 5.

Alternatively, the board could vote to withdraw Article 12 from the Town Meeting warrant. Though it is past the deadline to strike it from the warrant – it can be withdrawn. That means at Town Meeting, Article 12 would be skipped. If a Town Meeting member rises and requests to hear it, it will need a majority vote to be debated and voted on at Town Meeting.

What does that mean for us? We need to let the Select Board and our Town Meeting members know how we feel about Article 12. You can write letters or call (their info is in the directory on the Town Hall’s website). Unfortunately, their individual emails are not readily available, but the group can be reached at

Get involved. You’ll be glad you did.

– Kara Mallon

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