I would like to apologize to Ethan Serkey if he felt I was disrespecting his father as a person. I really mean that. However, I did not misrepresent the elder’s views at all; he adequately represented them himself, and I objected to several points. I don’t care what he thinks of JFK (my own father voted for JFK and then for Goldwater in the next election). Serkey Sr.’s present views map to no small degree to those who attack so-called “woke” issues, and I addressed his snide mention of “piety.” I addressed the straw man of making contemporary people responsible for past crimes and, as for being compelled to listen to a land acknowledgement and preferring the Pledge of Allegiance, I made my point about the phrase “under God” inserted in the ‘50s being unacceptable to the large minority who eschew religion and are pressured to recite it. I’m not sure where the idea that Mr. Serkey himself was promoting a religious agenda came from other than this mention.

David Ehrens

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