You are spot on with the problem [of loud motorcycles and cars]. The problem is multifaceted. 

There is an acute problem – extraordinary loud engines on slow crowded streets like downtown. 

Then there is a more persistent, less acute problem of vehicles that can be literally heard for miles all day and night.  I think about this constantly.  Thousands of vehicles pass by an hour, but three will notify me and everyone in a five-square-mile radius of their travel of their passing.

In general, since moving to the South Shore I have been shocked at the pervasive vehicle noise. You cannot walk in a park anywhere without hearing these vehicles.  

There are many studies that show the long term effect these cause.

It’s time to recognize the effects you are having on other people.  If I walked into their yard and started screaming at the top of my lungs five times a day, they’d have me arrested. But they can drive by my house five times a day at a louder volume than I can ever produce with my voice without repercussion.

Stress leads to many morbidities in the long run, and waking up in the middle of the night to the what sounds like machine gun fire certainly adds to stress. 

Keep up the good work.

Jason Baldachino

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