As a resident and motorcycle rider of Plymouth for the last 50 years, I would just like to say that if there was a lighted sign down the waterfront saying “do not rev your engine,” nine out of 10 riders would think twice and slow down. That friendly reminder would definitely work.

A lot of riders, myself included, sometimes rev the engine to alert the soccer mom driving and texting to please look out for us as we have kids and a family also. Most of us are law abiding riders. You cannot believe how many people are not paying attention and texting while driving their cars. I am an on-the-road salesman, and I see a minimum of 10 people texting and driving daily.

Just like the one person out of 10 that doesn’t pick up their dog mess doesn’t mean all dog owners don’t pick up their mess, a nice sign saying ‘”please, no loud pipes” would definitely make most riders think and not rev it up. Just a thought from a lifelong biker.

Stephen Sheehan

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