It’s easy to complain about elected officials. It’s just as easy to vote.

Polling places in Plymouth will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 3, for the Democratic and Republican state primaries. It’s your chance to choose party nominees for state senator and representatives who will represent Plymouth on Beacon Hill.

The ballots also include party choices for US senator and representative, as well as for several county offices. You can find sample primary ballots here. (Scroll to the bottom of the page on the link.

But know where you’re going on Tuesday. Because of Plymouth’s population growth – and the US Census regulations –  precinct numbers and polling locations have changed for some residents. If you’re unsure of where to vote, go here. You can also find a list of precinct locations here.

If you’re unfamiliar with the candidates running for state representative and senator, we suggest you read Independent reporter Fred Thys’s preview of the state representative and senator races here.

The deadline for early in-person voting was Friday.

Mark Pothier can be reached at

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