I met Dr. Stillman in 2015 when we moved to Kingston. I had researched veterinarians and came to the conclusion that he was the best for Rocky and Apollo, my golden retrievers. He saw Rocky and Apollo from 2015 to 2022. When we moved to Kingston [they] were already eight years old. They were in perfect health and every time I went to see Dr. Stillman, we got an excellent bill of health. Dr. Stillman always sat with Rocky and Apollo and talked to them as well as to me.

On Rocky’s wellness appointment he found a mass on his spleen. To complicate things, this was during Covid. He immediately sent us to the emergency clinic. Rocky was still thriving and very happy.

The difference between Dr. Stillman and any other vet is what I learned. They wanted to put Rocky down immediately and said he had no chance at all. I called Dr. Stillman at 10 o’clock at night and told them what they had told me. He said, “Elaine, just bring him home.”

I called my daughter in St. Louis. My son was here with me and we decided that Rocky needed to leave this Earth happy. The day after the diagnosis we decided to put Rocky down. Dr. Stillman made the trip to our home and waited for my daughter’s plane to arrive. He was so kind and so wonderful to us. He stayed with us for quite some time after Rocky had left. He did all of this with us not knowing that he was on his way to Pennsylvania for emergency health situation with a member of his family.

When Apollo left us two years later, Dr. Stillman and I conversed on the phone and email for most of the day. He came to the conclusion that Apollo had a neurological event and he would not survive it. The next day we took Apollo to Dr. Stillman’s office, and again he stayed with us.

This article has reflected everything that this man is. I am so sad that he is not still practicing. Every time I go by the Court Street animal clinic I think of him. He is not only the most wonderful human being that I’ve ever met. He is so kind and gentle. I hope that he does find his way back to practicing veterinary medicine again.

I miss him terribly, and I wish him the best. Most of all, I miss talking to him.

Elaine Anderson

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