For years I have been asking the town clerk for two things [related to voting]: notification and parking.

Notification. I drive through other local towns and see signs stating that there are elections coming up. The only way we know in Plymouth is when the candidates’ signs start going up.

Parking. Can you believe it can be impossible to park to vote? Enter what I believe is called Teacher Development Day. The last state/federal election and Teacher Development Day coincided. There was literally no place for the voter to park at South Middle School. Circle and wait for another voter to leave. The town clerk has been aware of this situation for many years. There was a sign pointing to voter parking. There were no spaces, no designated or roped off areas. Just a sign. I would like to see voting prioritized in Plymouth. I like voting on election day. I don’t want to go downtown early, and I don’t want to mail my vote.  Is that really too much to ask?

How do you find out about the candidates? Work all day and go out to an evening rally?  I have zero success with PACTV. Candidates’ pages are not typically informative and they’re not great about answering questions. Reading is quicker than watching.  I don’t know the answer. I work hard to find out about people but it’s a lot of work for a small result.

Voter I.D.: I have lost faith in all forms and levels of government.  That includes town [level]. I have dealt with my representatives at all levels.  As a whole, they are nonresponsive and unreliable.  I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who feels this way. Voter I.D. would not guarantee a reliable election result but it sure would help. The list has been published many times of all the times and places where an I.D. is required.  There are no valid excuses to not have voter I.D.  Perhaps more people would vote if they trusted the process.

I research before voting. I contact my representatives at all levels.  I vote in every election. I always will. I take the privileges and responsibilities of living in a free country seriously.

Maybe many thoughts will help improve voter turnout here in Plymouth.

Jane Mauro

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