Today I am filled with gratitude for our school community here at Rising Tide.

I would like to take a moment to recognize the students, families, and staff members here at Rising Tide Charter Public School for their incredible efforts in organizing a Thanksgiving food drive to support families in need. Spearheaded by students in Rising Tide’s DBIE (Diversity, Belonging, Inclusion, and Equity) Student Work Group, this initiative involved donating and collecting non-perishable food items as well as money for turkeys. This past Friday afternoon, over 600 students paired up in cross-grade level advisory groups in service together to assemble the donations into 24 baskets for families struggling during the holiday season.

Specifically, our Rising Tide students chose to support the South Shore Resource and Advocacy Center in Plymouth, a nonprofit, community-based domestic violence program that has been assisting survivors of domestic violence and their families for more than 40 years. Our students wanted to ensure these families have the food they need for an enjoyable Thanksgiving dinner.

Through initiatives like these, our students are not just helping those in need – they are building a foundation of compassion and leadership that will benefit society for years to come. It is inspiring to witness their commitment to making a positive impact in our community.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to share the inspiring spirit of giving shown by the emerging leaders of our community.

Michael O’Keefe
O’Keefe is head of school at Rising Tide Charter Public School in Plymouth.

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