I want to first say a big thank you for a really good local paper! I am often in Plymouth, and I am enjoying reading local news again – finally!

I’d like to comment on Tatum Stewart’s vision for downtown Plymouth (Mark Pothier’s piece in 12/3/23). So far in Plymouth, there’s pretty much room for everyone to enjoy themselves, whatever their budget. But what seems to be Tatum Stewart’s vision is one I’m worried about: new high-priced housing, boomers and young professionals  (“the people are young, they’re well dressed”) whose pocketbooks and their willingness and ability “to spend money for convenience and quality” might squeeze out the rest of us who’ve been able to enjoy downtown for years with a thinner wallet.

I wish Tatum Stewart well in her business and hope there’s always room for a diverse group of us in downtown Plymouth.

Linda Jacobs, Carver

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