Last spring, 459 residents participated in the town’s open space and recreation plan survey, sending a strong message about the value of Plymouth’s open spaces and recreation resources to the community. Protecting the environment, maintaining our parks and playgrounds, making Plymouth “more walkable and bikeable,” controlling development, and a passionate plea for dog parks are all part of the story the survey results tell. You can read the results here and on the town’s website.

The survey results will be used to inform the open space and recreation plan update we must submit to the state every 7 years in order to remain eligible for funding. But this time around, results will also inform the comprehensive master plan update, which is now underway.

In fact, after hearing the survey results, the Master Plan Committee recommended a special listening session focused only on open space and recreation issues and ideas.  It will be held on Thursday, Sept. 12, from 6 to 7:30 p.m., at the Plymouth Public Library.  This is another great way for you to weigh in on the future of open space and recreation resources in Plymouth!

As one survey-taker wrote:

“It’s important to keep investing in open space.  It’s a community good whose value isn’t immediately measurable in dollars and cents, but it contributes immeasurably over time to the quality of life and beauty of our community.”

This survey helped fuel an important conversation about open space and recreation in Plymouth. Let’s keep it going.  Join us on Sept. 12 and bring your wish list with you.

Deb Iaquinto

Iaquinto wrote on behalf of the town’s Open Space Committee.

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