Your opinions are an important part of the Plymouth Independent. We welcome your letters and commentaries. All we ask is that you follow some commonsense guidelines.
For starters, we need to know who you are. Any submission must include the author’s full name, an email address, and a phone number (for verification purposes only). If you’re writing as a representative of a group or organization, please state that. Standing behind your opinion gives it heft and credibility. You can even share links to pertinent sources if it helps make a point or bolster your position.
But while we encourage a robust exchange of ideas, we don’t have the resources to fact-check letters and essays filled with speculative statements and assertions that venture beyond the realm of opinion. We also won’t accept political endorsements, local or otherwise. Anything that even hints of discrimination or hate will be rejected outright. Good taste is a good thing. Brevity is an asset – getting right to the point saves us from cutting your copy, and helps to ensure that people will read what you have to say.
Put simply, we’ll show as much latitude as possible, but we reserve the right to not publish any submission that doesn’t meet those modest standards.
Now, with that out of the way, let’s hear from you. Send your letters or commentaries to: We’re looking forward to it.
Plymouth Public Schools has an obligation to identify any child who is a resident of Plymouth who may have a disability which impacts their education. As part of our on-going child find procedures, you, any member of your staff or the child’s parents may refer the student for an evaluation. It is the responsibility of the Plymouth Public Schools to identify and evaluate these students to determine eligibility for special education or related services under IDEA (Individual with Disabilities Education…
Massachusetts has allowed guns in municipal areas for 400 years until Governor Healey made a change last October. Please keep in mind, there are employees that may or may not carry a weapon for personal safety or may choose to…
I echo Tony Thompson’s March 22, 2025, letter that the “discovery” of 588 affordable housing units warrants “fresh eyes” in the town’s Planning and Development Department. The “discovery” is especially concerning [because] town planner Mr. [Lee] Hartmann is the sole…
I’m a Precinct 17 Town Meeting member as well as the Precinct 17 clerk. I’ve heard from constituents that there is some concern as to the intent of Article 28 and what the implications are if it does not pass…
Please get involved. About a month ago, I started a text thread with family and friends after deciding I had to do something. Learning about local politics and getting involved seemed like a good place to start. I created a…
Time for the Planning and Development Department to have new leadership. Yes Mr. [Lee] Hartmann answered all of the questions [as to] why his count was off but what remains is why this count was off in the first place.…
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your recent story by Peter Zheutlin called “The Wanderer.” Plymouth’s tourism district has indeed become a magnet for bringing both visitors and locals to enjoy its eclectic feel and trendy restaurants and shops. The tourism industry…
I want to fully endorse a recent opinion piece by Jenny Healy. My experience in witnessing, as well as interacting with, Plymouth town government is consistent with her observations, and I will go on to say that the way the…
I read with some interested Jenny Healy’s observations of town officials’ behavior at a few town related meetings. I read with some dismay Town Manager [Derek] Brindisi’s comments. I should perhaps start by saying I was terribly put off by…
I am asking that you would please support Article 28 at the annual Town Meeting [on April 5]. This article would preserve the rights of citizens to speak at all precinct caucuses and foster debate unimpeded by the precinct chairs.…
In the past few weeks, I have attended seven meetings, either in person or on Zoom, including Select Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, Precinct 3, Board of Health, Community Preservation Committee and Advisory & Financial Committee. I have been learning…